Foundation Donor Scheme
Donations to the Foundation are most welcomed. In grateful
acknowledgement of substantial donations, Foundation Honours
will be accorded to donors.
A donor may be either an individual or a company. The Foundation
welcomes a one-off large sum or multiple donation amounts
over a period of time from a donor. When a donor has an accumulated
donation amount reaching an upper title, the upper honour
attained will be bestowed and will supersede previous titles.
Acknowledgements of Foundation Honours:-
- Enshrined in the Screens of Fame.
- Published recognition, with date and number of insertions
to be decided by HKIoD:-
- HKIoD web-page & Foundation web-page
- HKIoD Annual Report
- Appropriate project brochure(s) of HKIoD
- Foundation Honours:-
Foundation Honours |
Donation Amount |
「典範仁翹」Foundation Patron |
HK$2,000,000 or above |
「尊貴仁翹」Foundation Vice Patron |
HK$1,500,000 |
「輝煌仁使」Foundation Star Ambassador |
HK$1,200,000 |
「卓越仁使」Foundation Ambassador |
HK$1,000,000 |
「恩澤仁士」Foundation Star Benefactor |
HK$750,000 |
「榮澤仁士」Foundation Benefactor |
HK$500,000 |
「良能仁士」Foundation Star Champion |
HK$200,000 |
「賢能仁士」Foundation Champion |
HK$100,000 |
「先達仁士」Foundation Star Dignitary |
HK$75,000 |
「顯達仁士」Foundation Dignitary |
HK$50,000 |
「碩彥仁士」Foundation Star Elite |
HK$25,000 |
「雋彥仁士」Foundation Elite |
HK$10,000 |
「基金之友」Foundation Friend |
HK$1,000 |
For a donation of any amount at HK$500 or above and under
HK$10,000, a donor will become a Foundation Friend.
Corporate Governance Development
Foundation Fund
wishes to express sincere gratitude to all donors and
Donations above HK$100 are eligible for consideration
of tax deduction
by the Inland Revenue Department.